Some favorite things…
I’m stealing this idea from Jen over at . I’m not a runner by any means but I just love her personality! I highly suggest you check her out- she’s very active on her blog and across all her social media channels (including Periscope!).
I’m not really a fan of materialistic “haul” type posts but I realized my favorites for the week don’t always have to be products (though the products and things I bought that I post are things I am absolutely in love with). I really like the idea of showcasing sustainable, conscious, mission-driven companies that I believe in so what better way to do it than with a weekly favorites post?! I like reading what other people like or are inspired by so maybe I can contribute a post here and there. Will I be doing this every week? Honestly, probably not. But when I do feel like I’ve got a little list to share, I will!
Full disclosure I am not affiliated with any of these companies in any way other than I willingly gave them my money for what they be sellin’.
Pictures are a little shoddy- it was a rainy day today so I had to make due with what natural light I could find.
1. stainless steel straws
I’m trying to cut down on my use of plastics here and there (glass storage containers, re-usable glass water “bottles” etc.) but one of the things I find myself using every single day are plastic straws for my morning lemon water. Every. Damn. Day.
You’ve probably seen the heart breaking video of the sea turtle with a plastic straw stuck up its nose (I cry every time). I’ve been thinking about ditching plastic straws for a while now and after seeing that video, I decided to go for it.
I love these stainless steel straws from CocoStraw. I got mine from Amazon and the best part (aside from being an Amazon prime item) is that they came with their own little pipe cleaner. An actual pipe cleaner for cleaning actual mini pipes (who knew they had a use beyond arts and crafts). They alway straight, wide straws perfect for smoothies.
Remy le-asshole likes them too.
2. lentil pasta
Gluten-free pasta that doesn’t taste like dirt. Yes, kudos to Uddo’s Kitchen for their brilliant one-ingredient red lentil penne.
Most gluten-free pasta I’ve tried tastes like… imposter gluten-free pasta. Then I came across this lentil pasta and gave it a go. According to the box, it contains only one ingredient; red lentil flour. How do they make it stick together into a pasta shape? Hell if I know and I don’t care. It’s delicious and one serving provides a whopping 14 grams of protein (so if you’re like me and get seconds, thats nearly 30 grams!).
I was an Amazon whore this week and found this pasta here.
3. raw kelp noodles
I’ve also jumped on the Thrive Market bandwagon, which is where I found these glorious noodles by the Sea Tangle Noodle Company. Ingredients include water, help, and sodium alginate (from brown seaweed).
Out of the bag, they look and feel like Vietnamese glass noodles but take a bite and you will find they have a delightful crunch. I’ve been eating them on top of green salads with a little ginger and tahini dressing. I’ve been wanting to try this raw pad Thai recipe by Laura Miller (my spirit sister, I swear) over at Tastemade. Girl, I love your froobs.
4. maca
I’m no stranger to maca. One of my favorite things to make is my maca matcha latte. Perfect for a rainy day, which today was.
Previously, I was only able to use gelatinized maca because the raw kind made me sick. But then I got this maca blend by essential living foods from Thrive market and was pleasantly surprised. It’s a blend of yellow, black, and red maca and it tastes and smells like chocolate malt and cinnamon. I put it in my morning dandelion and chicory “coffee” (I’ll share that recipe soon) or even in my regular coffee, when I have it. It provides sustained energy and has been claimed to help balance hormones.
Sometimes the flavor of maca can be like tobacco but I find this particular blend to be very malty and mild. Great in smoothies too!
5. vitamineral earth
Health Force is one of my favorite supplement companies, truly dedicated to purity, potency, sustainability, and vibrancy. I ordered a bunch of samples from the site and the first one I finished was the vitamineral Earth. This stuff is friggin’ expensive but I’ve decided to commit to a full-size bottle.
It’s a very grounding blend that I’ve used in broths (miso especially) or on it’s own with a bit of honey. I won’t go into all the awesomeness of this supplement here- just head over to the site and read some reviews around the net. It has a pleasant earthy cinnamon taste that works great in both sweet and savory foods.
Once my full-sized bottle arrives, I plan on incorporating it into my daily (or every other day) diet and maybe I will provide a little review about my experience.
6. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
Late to the party on this one but I finally started to read Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. Have you read it?
I’m always on a quest to de-clutter and minimize (though my Amazon and Thrive Market habits aren’t helping…). This book has been mentioned all over the place as one of the best resources for ‘tidying up.’ I’m only about half way through, and while I haven’t re-organized my sock drawer cardboard box-of-socks yet, I am looking forward to giving her method a shot.
What were some of your favorite things this week?
What are you grateful for?
Was this post painfully boring?
This post was definitely NOT boring. I loved it!!
I’m grateful for a strong long run in crisp weather!
Aw, thanks for stopping by, Jen! And running in crisp weather sounds great to me!
I agree! I love these kinds of posts. I like getting a snapshot view into other people’s favorites. It gives me ideas of pre-vetted new things to try out. My friend has been raving about that book lately and just did a huge purge at her house. I haven’t been brave enough yet but I’m *hoping* to tackle it this winter. My socks (and all things clothes) are also somewhat out of control…