Let’s get cooking…
I recently asked you to consider what your relationship is to food. I also made an argument for why you should learn to cook.
We often don’t think about it yet food (and eating, duh) is a huge part of our lives. Convenience has allowed us to become mindless eaters. I think learning basic meal preparation is essential to rebuilding a positive relationship with food. But, to begin your culinary adventure, you first need to have the right tools!
You don’t need a fancy, decked out, gourmet kitchen to prepare wicked (and nutritious) dishes. In fact, you only the basics and today I am going to share those with you.
The essential kitchen tools checklist
- 8” chef’s knife (here’s great budget option)
- 4” paring knife
- serrated bread knife
- stainless steel mixing bowl
- colander or strainer (for produce and pasta)
- one large wooden cutting board (you want your chef’s knife to fit when placed diagonally on the surface. I have this one from Ikea because it was super affordable but I would love one from Boos someday)
- dishwasher safe silicon cutting board (for meat)
- set of measuring cups
- set of measuring spoons
- Pyrex liquid measuring cup (2 cup is usually sufficient)
- 12″ locking tongs (love these)
- non-scratching spatula
- whisk
- wooden spoon
- meat thermometer/ instant-read thermometer (I found this one at Marshall’s for super cheap)
- grater
- veggie peeler
- can opener
- salad spinner (love my OXO spinner, a little spendy but totally worth it- it gets used daily)
- pot holders
- dish towels
- 9X13” glass baking dish
- one half sheet pan
- 3 quart stainless steel sauté pan
- 3 quart stainless steel saucepan
- an immersion blender or countertop blender (if you want to splurge, there’s always
- Blendtec or Vitamix (you can get a refurbished one!) but other models are just fine)
- tumblers (for water, cocktails, and juice, even wine!) I love these!
You’ll notice I don’t have any non-stick pans on here. There’s much debate about the safety of the coating so I prefer to stay away from them.
Obviously, you will also need flatware, plates and bowls (I lean towards white dishes but recently caved for these from Anthropologie), and maybe some glass storage containers. I suggest limiting any plastics, even the BPA-free kind.
And there you have it. Nothing has to be expensive (check out your local Marshall’s or Ross or even yard sales). You also don’t need to go out and purchase every item all at once. Build out your kitchen over time, gradually acquiring the tools you need as you begin experimenting more. Oh, and avoid uni-taskers (i.e. cupcake corers, banana guards, egg separators…)!
Tell me, what would you add to this list?
What kitchen tool can’t you live without?
What’s on your wish-list?
*Note- I am not affiliated with any of these companies, nor do I receive any commission should you choose to buy. There are simply my honest, tried and true recommendations!
A knife and a blender are two things I need… Otherwise, everything else I could go without. Okay, I would need a broiling pan as well, but everything else – eh. I do love my ice cream maker though too, but I could make ice cream with my blender! Oh and I totally want a SPIT… UGH! If you don’t know what it is, look it up! SOOOO GOOD!
I love my ice cream maker too! Maybe it is an essential… 😉
Good list! I would add a colander and a veggie steamer.
*Facepalm* How could I forget!